
Electronic medical records training on line 4 hour course
Electronic medical records training on line 4 hour course

electronic medical records training on line 4 hour course

Medication Administration Records should be developed per agency-specific protocol. Late entry documentation: Circle the date box with your initials and you MUST document in the notes section of the MAR.Give the client the wrong dose of medications: report to supervisor and follow facility policies and procedures.Medication cannot be administered because it is not available or is refused: Circle the date box with your initials, document the exact reason on the reverse side (or other designated area) of the MAR and contact the appropriate person according to facility policy.You make a charting documentation error: Draw a single line through the mistaken entry and initial and date.Follow your facility policies and procedures re notification of new medications.A good practice is to keep routine and prn medications on the MAR. New order: transcribe new medications on the MAR.For example, if eight medications are administered the QMAP must initial the MAR eight times indicating that each medication has been administered, refused or unavailable. Each medication must be documented at the time of administration.To create a new MAR, copy from the physician orders.New meds: transcribe new medications at the bottom of the list draw a line through dated boxes up to the start date.Discontinued meds: Write the date and DC large then draw a line through the rest of the dates and indicate discontinued use a transparent yellow marker to highlight the name of the discontinued medication.

Electronic medical records training on line 4 hour course